Embrace Ambition

Ambition. It's such a powerful word, isn’t it? For men, it often carries positive vibes, but for women, not so much. I think many of us tend to hide our ambition, like it’s something to be ashamed of. But why? I want to encourage both myself and others to embrace our ambition. Let’s stand proudly with it, befriend it, and really connect with it.

I’ll admit, ambition can feel intimidating sometimes—almost like it’s too intense, too all-consuming. But lately, I’ve started to picture it as a dragon. It’s something I can choose to ride when I need it, and just knowing it's there makes me feel powerful. There’s no need to fear ambition.

So, what exactly is ambition? According to Merriam-Webster, it's "an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power." But there’s also a definition that resonates with me more: a desire for activity and exertion. That’s the one. For me, ambition is the drive to keep moving, to always be working toward something. I can hyperfocus on a goal until it’s all I think about. But here’s the thing—ambition doesn’t have to be about climbing to the top or achieving fame. I think we need to reframe ambition as the energy that fuels our desire for a fulfilling life, for that zest for life itself.

Ambition can evolve, especially for women. Some might fear they’ve lost it after becoming mothers, but the truth is, you never lose it. It’s always there, waiting for you to tap into it again.

I’ll wrap this up with a quote from Katherine Morgan Schafler: "Appreciate the drive inside you. The drive and ambition are not there to hurt you but to help you reach your potential." And remember this: "You are already whole and perfect. You don’t need to become something you already are."


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